Yoga, this term is related to the Sanskrit word yuj which means to yokewhich means jugal The English meaning of jugalmeans union which further stresses upon the union of soul i.e. atma with universal soul that is parmatma. One who is engaged in doing various œyoga asana is called yogi. A yogi is that person who has made much advancement in considerable path of yoga.
The old accounts of studies show that Yoga dates back to the rig veda but they were codified in 1500 and 1200 BC. Orally, it was transmitted for at least a millennium prior to this. The Upanisads which were composed between 700 and 300 BC give a full description of prinicipals and goals of yoga. Upanisads are also called Vedanta because they consist of end. In Upanisads the stress was laid upon inner sacrifice by human mind to become supreme.
Yoga has been called a science or technology that leads a person towards the path of liberation. Yoga is concerned with the conscience and meditation. It basically recognises two things namely purush and prakrti. Purush is center of consciousness and prakrti is concerned with the material existence.
Yoga is a science which sets man free from the cage of matter. It stresses the freedom of mind from ego and become a pure being. Mind is the highest form of matter and man freed from this dragnet of Chitta or Ahankara (mind or ego) becomes a pure being.The easiest path to reach this state of dispassion and undisturbed tranquillity is the path of Bhakti or love. Here, man surrenders his all-mind, soul, ego-to the Divine Being and is only led on by the Divine will. Self-surrender the Diving Name. Such repetition must not be mechanical but one-pointed and full of favor. For this, concentration is necessary. Concentration can be there only if man has practiced to fix his attention on a particular object without letting it dwell on anything else. Concentration also calls for regulation of conduct if Bhakti must develop. Good cheer, compassion, absence of jealousy, complacence towards the virtuous and consideration towards the wicked must be consciously cultivated.
Yoga is done to attain Samadhi. Through exercises which are commonly called “yoga asana†there are systemized yogic practices and traditions which direct a person towards the path of yoga sutra. There are mainly eight vows which are Yamas or eternal vows, Niyamas or observances, Yoga postures, Pranayama or breath control exercises, Pratyahara or withdrawal of the senses from distractions of the outside world, Dharana or concentration on an object, place or subject, Dhyana or concentration of mediation and Samadhi or end stage of meditation.
In today world of stress and pressure, there is a great need of yoga and meditation. Yoga camps are held in almost every city to teach people about the advantages of yoga and meditation. Yoga is used for treatment of diseases, personality development and stress management.There are yoga exercises for Kids and for
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